Email Marketing


Email Marketing is still considered the best sales tool!!

Despite the rise of social media and unsolicited spam, even after four decades of the service, email remains the most effective way to nurture leads and turn them into customers.
It's also the preferred method to communicate messages, mainly because the business owns the list, it is in control and the list can't be taken away.

Email is the most important tool businesses have for communicating with their clients and prospects.
It allows them to reach their buyers at the scale of their business and forms a critical part of how marketers create the personalized experience that buyers demand.
Integral to both campaigns and one-to-one communications, email is a main vehicle for sharing content, product information, and education with your customers.

Consider GDPR compliance

With every customer contact it's wise for any business to gather information about the customer so that the business can learn how to provide better products and services and, of course, provide extra opportunities to sell to an existing customer. The more the business knows about it's clientele, the more it can improve within to further satisfy existing and gain new clients.
Part of the process should include gathering email addresses so that regular contact can be made via newsletters and to serve as a platform to push out special offers, discounts or birthday vouchers.

We have to consider GDPR now, which restricts how we store personal details and how we communicate to audiences.
The system Basehound Media recommends ensures GDPR compliance, giving you peace of mind and no nasty surprises.


Basehound Media works with some of the most world renowned providers in this field and acts as a mediator to manage the email list and provide quality graphics and messages that will provide a great impression regarding the professionalism of your business. All for a low, fixed monthly fee!!
If you're interested in taking a closer look, click the 'Send us an email' button at the bottom of this page, fill in the email form and press 'send' to start your journey to success.


Social Media for business today is a lot more than just having a Facebook page, there are other platforms you may benefit from. Not only does your business need to be seen, it needs to shine above all the competition.


With millions of websites fighting everyday for the attention of your customers, your business really needs something sharp and up to date in order to cut through the fog.
We can help you look great online.


It all starts with a graphic!!
As human beings we are very visual and attracted to bright, stunning images.
From your leaflets to your branding we'll help you create the right image.

Next Steps...

If you'd like to inquire further, please send an email initially explaining where you need assistance. I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I can.